awesome fence |
this is one of my favorite pictures ever! i don't know why, i love the texture and shadows of this picture. ever since we moved into where we're living i've been fascinated with this fence. i just absolutely love it! so what did i have to do? Take a pitcure!!!
old timey barn |
Of course, when i first got by dslr i went out in our year and just was taking pictures of stuff, because let's be honest i love taking pictures of normal things in different ways. so there is this barn back behind where we live...and i love it! it just makes me happy. it exudes old-timeyness and just makes me happy to look at. it's one of those things that make me want to get my camera out so i can capture the moment...ya know? i love everything that's out in front of it too...it's just like something happened here and they had to stop and leave quickly...it just makes me happy!
daffodil-front |
But could i stop there? of course not! there were these daffodils all over the place so i decided i'd take a stab at photographing flowers....i literally got down on the ground...some people thinks this is just crazy, but hey...to all their own....right?
extra cool wind chime |
Another favorite is of the wind chime that i got in florida. it's such a cool wind chime, and i so didn't want just a "regular" ole picture of it, so i had to get a little creative. There is just something fascinating about this picture for me. i don't really know why, but the angle just looks cool to me! So anyways, there are some pictures so far. There wasn't a post on here yet, and it was making me sad, so here it is!